Tapping into the experience, good and bad, of a sustainability consultant who has worked with many organisations to help them reduce the environmental harm from their emissions and wastage may save a lot of time, money and heartache.
A sustainability consultant can help you better understand the problems, set attainable goals with the resources you have available, and take action to achieve most practical solutions.
I really enjoy the challenge of helping governments and businesses improve the performance of their sustainability strategies (and often their financial performance too) in a way that provides tangible value.
Sustainability Master Planning
The Sustainability Master Planning service applies the 80/20 principle in order to improve the effectiveness - and results - of enterprise level sustainability programs
Water or Energy Audit / Assessment
Water or Energy Audits or Assessments identify the approach that best aligns with an organization's objectives and identify measures that deliver the greatest savings
Measurement & Verification QA
Measurement & Verification (M&V) of energy efficiency upgrades determines savings. A low cost Quality Assurance of M&V can have an outsized impact on financial performance
The 80 / 20 rule - or Pareto's Principle - says that reward and effort are out of balance, with 20% of effort producing 80% of results, or 80% of effort producing just a 20% result. The challenge is in figuring out what's really important - and identifying those things that are not. That's where access to expert knowledge and experience can make the difference between expdending 80% effort or creating an 80% impact. If you have an opportunity to act on reducing emissions, I invite you to reach out for a conversation and we can explore together how to apply 8020 analysis and thinking to ensure you maximise results.